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Thursday, February 4, 2010


I have not been on here in forever. I have so much I want to write about and so little time. I am going to go with something kind of simple yet meaningful today. I put a picture of a bag on here today. My Mom made this bag!
I think that this is so amazing. She is so talented at these things. I am so very proud of her. She works on these kinds of things alot. She does all kinds of different crafts.
I have tried to catch on to many of these things, but have had little success. Don't get me wrong I have picked up a coulpe of things. I can crochet and cross stitch. Can be crafty sometimes.
I am just totally in love with this bag of mine. I tell people every chance I get that "My MOM MADE IT!" A few have asked if she could make them one.
I know this is a short one today, but I keep getting inturupted and train of thought is now gone.
Have a great night and enjoy the picture.

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