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Monday, January 11, 2010

Johny Wicks

Johnny Lee Wicks- Accused of killing his BROTHER in 1974. Sentenced in 1976 to 12-15 years. Was paroled in 1981. He did only 5 years for second degree murder? He must have been such a model prisoner. In 1989 he was accused of assault to commit rape. Then in 1995 he pleaded "no contest" to domestic battery.

Wicks was described in the paper to be a "disgruntled" Social Security Recipient. He walked in to the Las Vegas Federal building and started shooting. He wounded a U.S. Marshal and killed a Security Guard.
They said he did this because he had "overwhelming" anger against the United States Government. Aren't we all angry with the government for one thing or another? Most of us don't go around just shooting people. Most of us have jobs and slimpy don't have that kind of extra time on our hands.
This article also stated that Wicks complained about racial discrimination. He also at one point had a Federal Lawsuit (which he lost) challenging a $286 cut in his Social Security benefits.

To This I Would Say,

Dear Mr. Wicks,
How abouts you stop living off the government? How about you get a job?! Oh, I'm sorry is it hard for you to so that with your criminal record? Maybe you should have thought of that before you did ALL of these things.
Racial discrimination? REALLY?!! It didn't have anything to do with your past history of crime? Oh, you poor, poor thing. I suppose if your mother was to be interviewed by the media she would tell us what a good boy you were and just can't understand why those "bad" men shot you.
I can't say this to you, you are dead. This is why,
Wicks fired his gun 5 times. After the third time he paused and reloaded. The first three blasts were inside the courthouse entryway. He fired two more times before running across Las Vegas Blvd. Federal marshals, and court security officers followed in pursuit. He died outside the Federal building with shot to the stomach and one in the head. (doesn't seem like he was really using that anyway).
Did Wicks thing that by shooting up a Federal building the government would say "Give him his money"? Did he think after wounding one man and killing another they wouldn't shoot back? Did he think that after running out of the building he was going to get away? Where did he think he was going to go? His Mommy's house? I will tell you where I think he was going to go. On yet another crime and killing spree!
Then they catch him and put him up for trial. Convict him and is STILL getting "paid" by the government. Three meals a day, a roof over his head, clothes on his back. Not such a bad deal. he probably would have kept the courts going with more trials pleading his innocence. Screamed discrimination again and wasted even more of the governments money!
To that I say "Hey guys, thanks for doing your job".

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