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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I m thinking, I m thinking

So, I have been thinking of going back to school. I have also been thinking am I too old to go back to school? I know that there are alot of people out there older than I am that have gone back to school and "started" over in a new career.
I was never a great student when I was in high school. I did go to college for while. I even almost finshed my degree in boardcasting! I want to go back and do something with Criminal Justice. I never relazied how many different things you can do with this field. It has always been something that has intested me.
I was going to seriously look into this, I even talked to my hubby about it. He is leaving for his fifth tour in about a week and a half. Now, is not the best time. If I don't act on it now will I change my mind? If I don't change my mind will I be able to finish and get a job?
There are so many questions. Does anyone have any ideas? Anyone out there that actually reads this blog and will take the time to give me some thoughts?
Perhaps, if I do go back and get this degree I can hunt ya down and ask a ton of questions after!!
Thanks for reading. That is all for today.

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