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Monday, January 11, 2010

Johny Wicks

Johnny Lee Wicks- Accused of killing his BROTHER in 1974. Sentenced in 1976 to 12-15 years. Was paroled in 1981. He did only 5 years for second degree murder? He must have been such a model prisoner. In 1989 he was accused of assault to commit rape. Then in 1995 he pleaded "no contest" to domestic battery.

Wicks was described in the paper to be a "disgruntled" Social Security Recipient. He walked in to the Las Vegas Federal building and started shooting. He wounded a U.S. Marshal and killed a Security Guard.
They said he did this because he had "overwhelming" anger against the United States Government. Aren't we all angry with the government for one thing or another? Most of us don't go around just shooting people. Most of us have jobs and slimpy don't have that kind of extra time on our hands.
This article also stated that Wicks complained about racial discrimination. He also at one point had a Federal Lawsuit (which he lost) challenging a $286 cut in his Social Security benefits.

To This I Would Say,

Dear Mr. Wicks,
How abouts you stop living off the government? How about you get a job?! Oh, I'm sorry is it hard for you to so that with your criminal record? Maybe you should have thought of that before you did ALL of these things.
Racial discrimination? REALLY?!! It didn't have anything to do with your past history of crime? Oh, you poor, poor thing. I suppose if your mother was to be interviewed by the media she would tell us what a good boy you were and just can't understand why those "bad" men shot you.
I can't say this to you, you are dead. This is why,
Wicks fired his gun 5 times. After the third time he paused and reloaded. The first three blasts were inside the courthouse entryway. He fired two more times before running across Las Vegas Blvd. Federal marshals, and court security officers followed in pursuit. He died outside the Federal building with shot to the stomach and one in the head. (doesn't seem like he was really using that anyway).
Did Wicks thing that by shooting up a Federal building the government would say "Give him his money"? Did he think after wounding one man and killing another they wouldn't shoot back? Did he think that after running out of the building he was going to get away? Where did he think he was going to go? His Mommy's house? I will tell you where I think he was going to go. On yet another crime and killing spree!
Then they catch him and put him up for trial. Convict him and is STILL getting "paid" by the government. Three meals a day, a roof over his head, clothes on his back. Not such a bad deal. he probably would have kept the courts going with more trials pleading his innocence. Screamed discrimination again and wasted even more of the governments money!
To that I say "Hey guys, thanks for doing your job".

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

While glancing through a couple of newspapers today I noticed a few things that I wanted to comment on.
Sharon Stone is going to be on Law and Order Svu!! How exciting! The paper reads that she is going to play a cop turned prosecutor. I wonder if there will be any bunny boiling or death by ice pick?
Kate Gosselin spent 20 hours getting hair extensions! Why do we care? How in the heck did this make the paper? As Judy Garland would say "I don't care, I don't care" and my favorite radio show would put this in the monkey butt file.
Redmond O'Neal is in jail for drug realated probation violation. Your mother would be so ashamed.
In world news, Ho-Ping-ho of the National Taiwan Ocean University discovered a new crab. It's a strawberry Crab. ( I wish I could figure out how to put a picture on here) They are actually cute. Red with white spots. Too bad he only found two and they were both females. They died shortly after he found them. Sorry Ho-Ping maybe next time. Oh and by the way this happened in June! Why did it take so long for them to share this with us?
That is all for CJ today. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Live and in person

I had coffee with an old friend of mine today. We have been friends since high school. (that was a long time ago!!) This was the second time in a month that we have seen each other. Before that the only way we spoke was through text which was rare or by Facebooking. My question to day is why do we wait so long to see our old friends?
Do we just think that they will always be there? Why are we just settling for our phones and computers to keep us in touch?
While sitting there today I just kept thinking of how awesome it was to be sitting live and in person with my friend and how great it was just to be out. (Even though it is the Tundra!!)
I know a lot of us make promises in the New Year to do things differently. One of mine was to get back in to the habit of getting together with friends. Making time for them and for myself. Maybe even make some new friends.
We all have some excuse as to why we can't stay in better touch. Kids, job, health, distance between homes. Seriously, I think if we set this time aside for our friends and ourselves the kids,jobs and health would be better. Would just make you a happier person. I am a true believer that your life or your happiness is what you make it. If you want to be happier it's up to you to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Friends are in your life because they make you happy. You chose these people to be your friends, choose to see them more often. Is it REALLY that hard?
Really, really try to make time in your life for your friends. Like I said before these people are in your life because you chose to have them there. It could be for any number of reasons. They make you laugh, they are easy to talk to, you like the same coffee, movies, books, crafts or whatever. Just don't wait till one of you gets sick or has a near death experience to get together or reconnect. Make time for them live and in person.
Thanks for reading today.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pick a topic

Happy New Year to everyone. Thanks for taking the time to take a peek at my blog.

I thought I would write about something I have been pondering today. I have been thinking about things that I have "gone" with out and stuff that has been added to my life. It's funny to think about things that you have watched leave and come in to ours lives.

I can remember 8 track, cassestte tapes and Lp's. Over the years these things have been replaced by not only each other but I can remember when the cassestte tapes phased out the Lp's and the compact disc phased out the cassette tape. And now comes I tunes. How long will the Cd's be around???

Along with the music comes the way we have listened to it. Of course the things stated above. My family had one of those huge stero's with the 8 track player, the radio and the record player. We were pretty freaking cool!! THEN for Christmas one year I got my very own portable record player! Then came the boom box you could carry with you. Followed by the headphones. Of course the Walkman. Radio and cassette player. Then the Compact disc's were coming and along with that was the portable player. Just the Cd. Now we have our Ipods, Mp3's, Itouches, Iphones. That can not only play our music, but our movies! How in the world did we ever live without these things?! Who cares thanks to all helped come up with these things!!
How about T.V? Although I am not old enough to remember only black and white, but I can remember only having one tv in the whole house. We had to actually get up and change the channel with the dial and we only had 4 channels to choose from. First the remote, then a couple extra channels, but you could only get them with a special antenna. I don't know what came first the VCR or cable. How about VHS or beta? The laser disc. OH MY!! Cable, remotes and taping shows so you didn't have to miss anything. Then out went the VCR and in came the dvd player. Now we not cable,but our pictures are seen better with HD. And we don't need a VCR to tape our shows our TiVo or DVR will do that for us and will sugguest shows we may like.
How about the telephone? Again, I can remember when there was only one phone per house. The introduction of having more then one or more then one phone number in your house! The rotary dial to touch tone. FANCY!! The cell phones that you had to carry in a bag with cord. The cell phone with no cord that could double as a weapon. And the pagers that came in between those. All the types of cell phones we have now. Even some people have gotten rid of the lands lines! When you couldn't just go to the store and buy a phone you got what the phone company gave you. Phones with cords. Then phones with no cords.
When you called someone and no one was home you didn't have the option of leaving a message. The huge answering machines to voicemail. How about when the phone rang and you didn't know who was on the other end until you picked up the phone?
My list of course could go on. The world is ever changing. How lucky are we that we can look back and think of these things. To use that old line "when I was a kid" and not have to talk about walking to school in our bare feet, but I had to get up to change the channel!!
Thanks for reading my blog. I promise they will get better.

My list could go on. Can y0u think of anything? Or perhaps this has been a history lesson for you. You have never heard of some of these things. Couldn't imagine having to get up