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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pick a topic

Happy New Year to everyone. Thanks for taking the time to take a peek at my blog.

I thought I would write about something I have been pondering today. I have been thinking about things that I have "gone" with out and stuff that has been added to my life. It's funny to think about things that you have watched leave and come in to ours lives.

I can remember 8 track, cassestte tapes and Lp's. Over the years these things have been replaced by not only each other but I can remember when the cassestte tapes phased out the Lp's and the compact disc phased out the cassette tape. And now comes I tunes. How long will the Cd's be around???

Along with the music comes the way we have listened to it. Of course the things stated above. My family had one of those huge stero's with the 8 track player, the radio and the record player. We were pretty freaking cool!! THEN for Christmas one year I got my very own portable record player! Then came the boom box you could carry with you. Followed by the headphones. Of course the Walkman. Radio and cassette player. Then the Compact disc's were coming and along with that was the portable player. Just the Cd. Now we have our Ipods, Mp3's, Itouches, Iphones. That can not only play our music, but our movies! How in the world did we ever live without these things?! Who cares thanks to all helped come up with these things!!
How about T.V? Although I am not old enough to remember only black and white, but I can remember only having one tv in the whole house. We had to actually get up and change the channel with the dial and we only had 4 channels to choose from. First the remote, then a couple extra channels, but you could only get them with a special antenna. I don't know what came first the VCR or cable. How about VHS or beta? The laser disc. OH MY!! Cable, remotes and taping shows so you didn't have to miss anything. Then out went the VCR and in came the dvd player. Now we not cable,but our pictures are seen better with HD. And we don't need a VCR to tape our shows our TiVo or DVR will do that for us and will sugguest shows we may like.
How about the telephone? Again, I can remember when there was only one phone per house. The introduction of having more then one or more then one phone number in your house! The rotary dial to touch tone. FANCY!! The cell phones that you had to carry in a bag with cord. The cell phone with no cord that could double as a weapon. And the pagers that came in between those. All the types of cell phones we have now. Even some people have gotten rid of the lands lines! When you couldn't just go to the store and buy a phone you got what the phone company gave you. Phones with cords. Then phones with no cords.
When you called someone and no one was home you didn't have the option of leaving a message. The huge answering machines to voicemail. How about when the phone rang and you didn't know who was on the other end until you picked up the phone?
My list of course could go on. The world is ever changing. How lucky are we that we can look back and think of these things. To use that old line "when I was a kid" and not have to talk about walking to school in our bare feet, but I had to get up to change the channel!!
Thanks for reading my blog. I promise they will get better.

My list could go on. Can y0u think of anything? Or perhaps this has been a history lesson for you. You have never heard of some of these things. Couldn't imagine having to get up

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