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Monday, January 4, 2010

Live and in person

I had coffee with an old friend of mine today. We have been friends since high school. (that was a long time ago!!) This was the second time in a month that we have seen each other. Before that the only way we spoke was through text which was rare or by Facebooking. My question to day is why do we wait so long to see our old friends?
Do we just think that they will always be there? Why are we just settling for our phones and computers to keep us in touch?
While sitting there today I just kept thinking of how awesome it was to be sitting live and in person with my friend and how great it was just to be out. (Even though it is the Tundra!!)
I know a lot of us make promises in the New Year to do things differently. One of mine was to get back in to the habit of getting together with friends. Making time for them and for myself. Maybe even make some new friends.
We all have some excuse as to why we can't stay in better touch. Kids, job, health, distance between homes. Seriously, I think if we set this time aside for our friends and ourselves the kids,jobs and health would be better. Would just make you a happier person. I am a true believer that your life or your happiness is what you make it. If you want to be happier it's up to you to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Friends are in your life because they make you happy. You chose these people to be your friends, choose to see them more often. Is it REALLY that hard?
Really, really try to make time in your life for your friends. Like I said before these people are in your life because you chose to have them there. It could be for any number of reasons. They make you laugh, they are easy to talk to, you like the same coffee, movies, books, crafts or whatever. Just don't wait till one of you gets sick or has a near death experience to get together or reconnect. Make time for them live and in person.
Thanks for reading today.

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